Tuesday, 27 September 2016


keyboard is a one type of computer input device. It is used to enter the text and any function into processor using press key.Its is primary used enter the text. Keyboard is all individual key like,letter key,arrow key,special key and number key. Keyboard is a connect the computer...

Saturday, 24 September 2016


The monitors works with a video card,located inside the computer case,to display image and text on the screen. Newer monitors usually have LCD (liquid crystal display) or LED (light emitting diode) display. These ca be made very thin,and they are often called flat-pannel display. Older monitors...

USB (Flash memory)...

USB stand for universal serial bus. It is develop in 1990 define the cable.It is also called flash memory. USB are connect Keyboards,mouse, printers and other portable media players are some examples of peripherals.device of usb. This is a nonvolatile and re writable memory that function like...

Optical disc drive...

An optical disc drive in a computer system allows you to use CD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs to listen a music or watch a movie etc... Most drives used are allow you to write data to a disc, so you can create your own data file or create back-up copy of important data and file. These discs are...

Hard disk drive (HDD)...

Some time that is called hard drive, HD or HDD and this is a non volatile memory. HDD is a permanent data and information are store and retrieve. HDD is connect and power connection is power supply unit(PSU). The magnetic storage hard drive is based on a more than 40 year old technology and still...

Friday, 23 September 2016

RAM (Random Access Memory)...

RAM is a temporary storage device.it is also called volatile memory. It is a inside the CPU and store the data and program. RAM is a one integrated  circuit that allow the store data and program.When you system is shout down than memory clean. RAM is a random access memory and is the basic...

ROM (read only memory)...

ROM (read only memory) ROM is read only memory it is also random access , but only for read. ROM is typically used to store thing that will never change for the life of the computer , such as low level portion of an operating system. computer almost always contain a small amount of read only memory...